Monday, July 4, 2011

...makes the world go 'round, the world go 'round.....

My mom does this amazing thing sometimes, she sings.
Its always a treat to hear her sing, her voice is beautiful. Since I can remember she was always singing, funny little songs to make us laugh, to herself while she did chores around the house, to the radio, to anything, she loved to sing andIi always loved to hear her. Since her memory started to go her music isn't something I hear as much anymore. She can't always remember the words and for some reason she thinks that her voice isn't what it used to be (it's just as great as ever, I don't know where she got this idea at) so she isn't as quick to burst into song anymore. 
So when I was doing the dishes and I heard her quiet hum coming down the hall toward me I stopped and listened. She went around the living room picking up this and that, moving things, all the while humming. she  eventually became louder and louder and when she noticed me listening she stopped, looked at me, smiled and then proceeded to sing (and dance some of) a montage of the entire score of cabaret. 

She was being silly, of course, to make me smile and I did. It was a nice surprise to hear her sing that way again but what was most surprising was to hear her remembering almost every word and every note. I thought she had lost that some where in the mess of dementia, those words and the voice she has to sing them  but she hadn't, they were just waiting to be heard.

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